Fitch Ratings announced today that it has placed on Rating Watch Negative the current 'BBB+' ratings of the following
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico debt: Commonwealth general obligation (GO) bonds; Puerto Rico Building Authority government facilities revenue bonds
guaranteed by the commonwealth; Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) commonwealth guaranty
revenue bonds; Employees Retirement System of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico pension
funding bonds.
Fitch expects a significant
increase in Puerto Rico's estimated operating imbalance for the
current and coming fiscal years, based on reported revenue results
through the first half of the current fiscal year and public statements
by the new administration. Fitch expects to resolve the Rating Watch
early next month following meetings with representatives of the
Read Fitch's analysis below.
based on the economic and revenue underperformance which Fitch believes
has meaningfully increased the size of the operating imbalance for the
current fiscal year and the gap the commonwealth will need to address as
it develops a budget for 2014. Fitch does not believe that a balanced
budget will be achieved in fiscal 2014, and meeting this goal will
remain challenging thereafter.
--WEAK ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE: The commonwealth's economy is limited but
closely linked to that of the U.S. The downturn in Puerto Rico started
earlier, was deeper, and lasted longer than the U.S. national recession.
After signs of stabilization in 2012, recent performance has shown some
debt levels are exceptionally high and pension system assets are
expected to be depleted in the foreseeable future absent significant
reform. These high liabilities both limit Puerto Rico's ability to use
additional leveraging for capital improvements or as a budget solution
and create spending pressures that will be difficult to absorb within
slowly growing revenues.
--IMPROVED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Commonwealth financial operations
historically have been weak, with a record of large budgetary and GAAP
deficits, overestimation of revenues, unfunded overspending, and a
reliance on borrowing to meet budgetary gaps. The last administration
took dramatic steps to restructure fiscal operations and stimulate the
economy, and demonstrable progress was made. The new administration
appears to be continuing this focus.
Future rating action will be driven by Fitch's assessment of additional
information the agency expects to receive in the near term regarding the
scope of the commonwealth's current fiscal challenge and the new
administration's plans to address it.
Puerto Rico's GO rating reflects the somewhat limited nature of its
economy, its strong ties to the U.S., a history of weak financial
operations, and very high liabilities including outstanding debt and
unfunded pensions. Strong legal provisions for GO debt include a
constitutional first claim on commonwealth revenues, including
transportation-related and rum excise tax revenues that are dedicated to
specific authorities and other bonds.
Despite four years of aggressive cost cutting and other fiscal
restructuring measures by the last administration, economic recovery and
budget balance have proven elusive. Fitch has noted steady progress in
stabilizing the commonwealth's finances; however, with a reduction in
near-term expectations for the economy and revenue underperformance in
the current fiscal year to date, the budget challenge facing the new administration has expanded considerably compared to original estimates.
The current-year deficit appears to be well above the $1.1 billion
originally forecast (including debt refinancings for budget relief).
Fitch will be meeting with representatives of the commonwealth early
next month and expects to receive detailed updated information on the
fiscal situation and the administration's plans at that time.
A proposal on pension reform also seems to be forthcoming. Pension
funding is exceptionally low. System contributions are defined by law
rather than by actuarial requirements and payments have not been
covering the actuarially determined annual required contribution or even
current benefit payments. The commonwealth's ability to take action that
supports the solvency of the pension system without significantly
increasing the demands that pensions place on the budget will be
critical to long-term rating stability.
Puerto Rico's debt levels are very high, partially reflecting the
consolidated nature of the central government's role, and have increased
as the commonwealth has used deficit financing as part of its fiscal
stabilization plan. The commonwealth utilizes a complex debt structure
that includes GO, sales tax, guaranteed, and public corporation debt,
and has relied heavily on borrowing under its various bonding programs
in order to fund operations. Although such borrowing has been reduced,
continued reliance on capital markets to refinance debt for current-year
budget savings introduces risk to operations and increases the already
high debt burden. The commonwealth benefits from its relationship with
the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico, which provides a degree
of flexibility and liquidity
Puerto Rico faces a longer term question of how to grow and diversify
its economy, increase employment and workforce participation levels,
enhance wealth and income, and address contraction in its existing
pharmaceutical and electronic-producing industries. The ultimate test of
the success of future policy will be whether or not Puerto Rico is able
to find a sustainable path to economic growth, growth that is necessary
to support the commonwealth's high debt levels and other long-term
liabilities, as well as to achieve and maintain a structurally balanced
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